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To Prioritize Without The Pressure or The Pain
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$197 monthly
$97 every month

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What's Included:
  • ​ Access to fundamental tools: Plan better by easily choose the best priority even when there's not enough  (time, money, energy) to go 'round. 
  • Decrease Stress by 80% : When using  our tools and support materials, our students reduce their overall stress by at least 80%.
  • ​Pause Your Decisions in Real-Time: Real-time saving and restoring of complex decisions is built in to our software.
  • ​Peer Support: From other members and mentors to overcome conflicts with executive dysfunction and emotional regulation conflicts.
  • Solutions within 48 Hours: Close the loops and defer the made up stories with speedy answers.
  • ​Unlimited Questions: Ask what you want, when you want, there's no limit in our Mastermind.
  •  EBook: 5 Hacks to Have More: Even your grandma will succeed with these 5 key techniques that grant her more time, money, and energy at the end of the month.
  • The ND/NT Translation Guide:  Discover  principles that  have resolved 20-year long conflicts, healed old family patterns, & stopped patterns of indecision and anxiety.
  • How to Make The Best Decisions, Every Time: An email course designed to break down the elements of prioritization and decision-making so you can reduce your stress by up to 80%

LaLeata W.

I was surprised to see how understanding Christopher was and how he helped work through my emotional triggers, even during the times when I procrastinated. Now I feel that I can be on top of my responsibilities 

Emily K.

I feel freedom that I didn't have before. The daily sense of panic that I didn't even realize was there is dissipating. I had no idea the stress level that I was and still to a point I've been carrying. 

Example Lessons

example weekly lessons from portal

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